Do we need new government in Daytona?

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This has been coming for sometime. The businesses are failing and no one is shopping the BEACH ST corridor. The News Journal Theatre is on the ropes and we no longer have the quaint SMT for shows in downtown. Other business has relocated in an effort to survive. It's no doubt the eating establishments are hurting, as well as the various gift shops and support services. A major renovation/renewal is overdue for the area! Your ideas and concerns are appreciated and will be taken under review during the Friday Coffee Klatch Meetings! We need our town planners working overtime on this will not be resolved over night...but we need to begin somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. It will not be easy but I would: sunset the CRAs, stop changing the land use regulations (height, density and allowable uses via zoning), prohibit new PUDs and do not extend those that did not build before expiration, and stop hiring two bit consultants at hundreds of thousands of dollars that we have to tell over and over to not privatize and commercialize our public park. Fact is that if we eliminated every gov function, department, employee and revenue source that had the word development in it we could cut our taxes at lease 20% and actually get some.....development. Once there is some sense of certainty to the value of beach st property (and the rest of Daytona Beach for that matter) then real builders, businesses and long term homeowners can safely invest. Until then you will get more of the same - fraud, corruption, and betrayal of the public trust.
