Do we need new government in Daytona?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Politicians are not working for you

Gimbert show details 8:58 PM (11 hours ago)

Hello Neighbors,
It is time to speak up about the two gigantic developments our local politicians want to approve in our drainage basin and Aquifer recharge area. The first, Restoration, is an annexation that doubles the size of Edgewater with 10,000 more homes on what looks like swamp land. The second, Farmton GreenKey, creates another 29,000 homes still farther out in the swamp. The County Council has prepared their rubber stamp, but state regulators want solutions to Volusia’s dwindling drinking water supply first.

1 comment:

  1. So now our politicians want to rape the river too. Large sheets of toxic algae swarm in the St Johns River but they want to pump it anyway so their campaign contributors can clear the state water review. This pumping will only increase the river’s pollution concentration killing more estuaries, plants, and fish. Once it flows to the ocean it creates low oxygen dead zones, red tide, and beach closures. Our politicians pretend not to know about any of this or shuffle off responsibility to the river management board of appointed yes men. Did you know the latest appointee to this board is the sister of the largest developer in Volusia?
    Some say Farmton will never be built and all this is just to artificially run up the property value before another triple price conservation purchase. When you voted for Volusia Forever did you know this is how you tax dollars could be used? The appearance of such laundering of tax dollars into profit and more campaign contributions is not new here. What is new is the sheer size of this debacle; no one has ever tried to create another Deltona in one shot before. But what if they DO build? Our current life of water restrictions changes to one where we all have another zero added to our water bill to pay for their alternative water processing. Property taxes are nothing compared to that!
    The information in the News Journal’s “Got Water?” series is something you can’t unlearn. Yet it is ignored by the attorney for the Miami Land Company who likes to go around saying that no real environmentalist would say no their proposal. In this proposal they “promise” not to develop all the land if we just allow them to have commercial development where none is allowed and seven times more homes than they can already build. Well I am not an environmentalist, but I am becoming an economic survivalist since our politicians can’t say no to an obvious fleecing of our future. The rest of Volusia property owners can’t escape supply and demand so if these plans pass it’s bye-bye real estate recovery and hello to more tax subsidies for urban redevelopment.
    Aren’t you ready to make a change yet? Over 600,000 of your fellow Floridians have secured your right to have local voter approval of land use changes starting next year through Amendment 4. Considering our water shortage and the resulting effects on property values, shouldn’t any further changes have to stand up to a vote of the people? Sustainability can be more than just another developer buzzword but it only happens if you act now! Email your politicians today and tell them all to “Stop all the land use changes and other development giveaways throughout Volusia until we vote on Amendment 4, the Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment.”
    Your county councils email addresses are as follows;
    Chairman Frank Bruno - fbruno@co.volusia.fl.usAt Large Joi Alexander - jalexander@co.volusia.fl.usJoshua Wagner - jwagner@co.volusia.fl.usAndy Kelly - akelly@co.volusia.fl.usJack Hayman - jhayman@co.volusia.fl.usCarl Persis - Northey - pnorthey@co.volusia.fl.usCounty Manager Jim Dineen -
