Do we need new government in Daytona?

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This has been coming for sometime. The businesses are failing and no one is shopping the BEACH ST corridor. The News Journal Theatre is on the ropes and we no longer have the quaint SMT for shows in downtown. Other business has relocated in an effort to survive. It's no doubt the eating establishments are hurting, as well as the various gift shops and support services. A major renovation/renewal is overdue for the area! Your ideas and concerns are appreciated and will be taken under review during the Friday Coffee Klatch Meetings! We need our town planners working overtime on this will not be resolved over night...but we need to begin somewhere!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Get the Pier fixed

The Daytona Pier is an absolute shame and embarassment to our community. The state of repair is so bad that many have suggested demolish it and start over. This once proud landmark was host to major events and was fun for visitors of all ages. Today it is nothing but an eyesore and degrades the beauty of Daytona Beach. We need the people of Daytona to hold up a fist and speak out on this subject!