Do we need new government in Daytona?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Landlord Tenancy

Please pass this legal information along, It is extremely clear what the law requires from tenants and Property owners. Our courts are heavily burden with individuals inserting there rights and our fine clerks doing what they want. The process for eviction is very clear and Property owners are being taken advantage of. Its very clear that when a property owner seeks a summons for eviction its for money! not a broken water pipe. Its also recognizes that tenants will retaliate and are permitted to have a retaliatory defense as stated in 83.64 but in 83.60 paragraph (2) If a interposes any defense other than payment ,the tenant shall pay into the registry of the court the accrued rent as alleged in the complaint or as determine by the court and the rent which has accrued during the pendency of the process. The clerk shall notify the tenant of such requirement in the summons. This is not happening........Make them put the money in the court. I went to court several weeks ago and the tenant never showed up . I asked the judge what are we doing here and where is the money in the court. He said I should not have been here and clerk never collected the pass due rent or amount to have been placed in the court. He out rightly said, that this is wasting the courts time and it shouldn't have taken five weeks to see him. he told me next time come directly to him if this was the case and he sign an immediate writ.Hearing are very costly and tenants are taking advantage of the short sightedness of the courts to stall there eviction for several weeks and then move out the night before the hearing. The judge then tells you you win. end of process. Mean while the property owner has incurred cost and lost of property due to the tactics of this behavior If they put the money up in court from the beginning there would be no long out delay and further damages to property owners. Its Time That our leaders and powers realise the rights of the property owner period. By inviting this kind of behavior in our community allows for the rapid decade and dereliction of property. If government can not protect property owners from this abuse, while property owners are paying for the eviction the damages to the property and paying the taxes, insurance to the properties and the vermin who cause this problem in the first place skip out and do it again and again to others. Thank you and do appreciate you sending this out... For everyone who are property owners, please read the English language in this tenancy act.... Its time to stop clogging up the courts with individuals who's only intent is to buy time and steal more precious time and money as well as property owners incurring thousands of dollars in damages... This abuse needs to stop and stop now! Its destroying our inner communities.The cost of these eviction have reach a point of ridiculous. The property owners have incurred an average of $4,000.00 damage or more in damages to there property are in many cases ready to lose there property due to the cost of these damages.. Bottom line the government basely has us pay taxes to them for the pleasures of being able to re lease these properties out. But the property owner is not afforded the same right as the government for collection of over due money..... I ask where is the justices, when one can get locked up for running a .25 cents toll?Sincerely Steve M

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